Hi, I’m Mo (she/her/hers), an Empowering Childbirth Educator, training under Birthing from Within. I will be walking alongside you through my classes for a mo’ empowered journey into labor and beyond!
I’m a creative spirit, Beautiful Black woman, caring wife and homeschooling mama to three beautiful girls. I love puns, laughter, joy, learning ASL, good food and good music. When I was little, I was nicknamed Monie, or Mo for short. And I’ve been called that ever since by the women who made and love me. These women were (and are) strong Black women who were all caretakers in their own ways. Mo At Home, LLC is my ode to them because I am the daughter of each and every one of them.
My Back Story
On the southside of Chicago, born and raised. In the house was where I spent most of my days… STOP! If you read that to the tune of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, then I think, we’re going to get along great! Even if you didn’t, I’m sure we’ll still get along fine, just as long as you’re a kind soul who likes to laugh.
I was born into a blended family of both wed and unwed unions, and we rarely use the word “step” or “half” to describe familial relationships. We’re all just one big family. I grew up on the southside of Chicago, living with my granny, granddad, mama and younger brother. Our house was a revolving home for many family members who often stayed with us for months or years at a time. During my teen years, both my parents remarried and had additional children. As an adult, I discovered I was an MPE (a person who discovers – usually through DNA testing for ancestry – that their presumed parent is not their biological parent). Now, my already big family is even bigger and family-er.
Like I sang/typed earlier, I spent most of my days in the house, curled up with a good book and some music playing in the background. I never really felt like I fit in at home or school, and unconsciously that caused me to lose my voice and mask constantly. When I wasn’t at home or school, I was at the non-denominational church I attended with my granny several times a week. It was also here that I was introduced to spoken word as I often recited other people’s poetry and songs.
My Birth Stories
My passion for birthwork began with the birth of my first daughter, and grew as I, along with the women around me, struggled to be heard and taken care of in our pregnancies. Our stories range from uncomfortable IVs and doctors not respecting baby-feeding preferences to more life-threatening issues.
Each one of my pregnancy stories is different and each one gave me the courage and inspiration to become a childbirth educator.
- My first daughter was born three days early in a hospital and I got an epidural. Both the hospital and OB/GYN were highly recommended to me, and there were no complications. However, there were several bedside manner issues and privacy concerns. And the cherry on top – my partner was bit by a bedbug.
- My second daughter was born in the car still in the sac two days before her due date. The birthing community calls this an en caul birth because my water didn’t break. We didn’t make the news, but we did manage to hail a very expensive ambulance ride to the hospital.
- My third daughter made me wait two days after my due date before she (barely) gave me the water birth I desperately wanted with my first two deliveries. It was also with her that I stood up to a doctor who tried to pressure me into a cesarean birth that I nor my midwives felt was medically necessary.
My Unwritten Stories
These days, I still identify as a Christian, however, I’m on a journey to define my faith for myself, instead of being defined by fear and others’ opinions. My guiding principle is “Love others as you love yourself.” Occasionally, I will refer to the “Love Is” scriptures to check myself before I wreck myself. My family and friends exist all over the spectrum of humanity – and, depending on the day, I do too – so I’m committed to caring for and loving all of us well. As I shed my own mask, embrace my quirky and anxious neurodivergence, and show up as authentically and true as I can, I’ve found peace, joy and real connection in my relationships.
I like to say that feeling unheard in my first pregnancy coupled with the intuitiveness of giving birth in my car the second time gave me the confidence needed to find my voice and advocate for myself with my third pregnancy. As an Empowering Childbirth Educator, I hope to lead classes that empower birthing people to find and use their voices. I will always advocate for my clients to show up authentically at every juncture of their childbirth journey. You serve no one, especially your unborn child, by being anyone other than the awesome YOU that you are.
Now that you know my stories, I’d love to hear yours. Join me and let’s begin your birthing journey.